Monday, 23 May 2011

Paper Tattoo Nail Art

TIPS And Trick:
My response to your comments on Monday friends, today I am in Belgium, Saturday night it was the Reverze ! ? This is why today I will present a nail art a little "weird" that is not meant to be "nice" but just because the music j'adooooore Evil Activities and last night I went to see :-P! So I put their logo on my nails!

But voila ... I wanted it to be reproduced to perfection gold brush I could not have done. I am reminded of a tutorial Myriam Nailissima about the tattoo paper. Tattoo paper is actually called like that because it is sticker on the skin and it looks like a tattoo, but in fact it is a paper sticker on ultrathin which can print designs with the computer, great for my logo hair cell will be made ??as I am!

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