Nina Mascunana is 21 years old (as of July 2008), she lives in California, United States. She has thousands of friends in Myspace.com and probably one of the hottest girls in MySpace. I hope she will be become more famous soon like Tila Tequilla, who also make her debut photo shooting from MySpace.com. Nina's favotire quote - "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain". Check out Nina's pictures found at http://www.myspace.com/m1ssnina.

Nina Mascunana photo
Nina also appears in some of the magazines like Lowrider Magazine, Kenneth Braydon, Performance Auto & Sound Magazine, Latin America Magazine, Open Your Eyes Magazine, Norm Fischer, Harvey Butts. She also hosted some clubs and events like Club Atmosphere, club LAX.

Nina Mascunana picture

Nina Mascunana foto

Nina Mascunana image

Nina Mascunana photograph

Nina Mascunana
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