Before getting to two new mind enhancing binaural brain beaters , there's the The Secret Teachings of All Ages to be had, a genuine master piece and recognised as such right from the start..and still, though obviously some holes have been shot in it, but in general its almost unbelieveable how this Manly Hall could have come to all that in 6 years of writing and research..
However, First up a man brought to my attention not that long ago, and because he stays clear of the usual channels of publishing (control) and self publishes his work , his main marketing strategy so to speak is doing lectures, radiotalks and having a number of rather slick websites, all geared to specific parts of his portfolio. Make sure to have a look, here's Tsarion's websites navigation page
Described as a teacher's teacher, Michael Tsarion is a Divination Scholar and Sidereal Mythologist. An expert on Stellar Astrology, he is the creator of the Archetypal Stellar Taroscopic Astrological system of Hermetic Divination, and founder of the online Taroscopic Mystery School. Michael is a descendant of a long line of philosophers, free-thinkers, ascetics and visionaries. His Himalayan born mother was a well-loved, internationally recognized clairvoyant, whose affiliates included a host of celebrities and academics. She attended J. Krishnamurti’s premier college in India and was later honored as the very first clairvoyant to be a regular on Irish Television.
Michael is also the grandson of Tara Singh, the renowned philosopher, author and teacher of the theosophic tome A Course in Miracles. He was the intimate friend of J. Krishnamurti (the World Teacher), Swiss architect Le Corbusier, Keith Critchlow, Alan Chadwick, Eleanor Roosevelt and President Nehru. He was entrusted, by the latter, with India’s 5-year plan of restoration after British withdrawal. Tara Singh also played a key role in the Rev. Paul Solomon’s Fellowship of Inner Light, one of the first true American mystery schools. He now heads the Foundation for Life Action in Los Angeles.
Michael was born and raised in Ireland and grew up learning metaphysics from Krishnamurti, Rev. Paul Solomon and Peter Balin. Growing up surrounded by leading free-thinkers and mystery school creators he was under pressure to find his own authentic voice rather than becoming dependant on the systems and influences of others. He has honored his pedigree by dedicating his life to the deepest research concerning the seminal metaphysical sciences. And unlike so many, he believes in honoring the work and the names of his mentors. He takes it as a given, the words of :
A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote descendants.(Lord Macauly)
Intuitive since birth, he was introduced to the Tarot at age 11 through Rev. Paul Solomon’s premier mystery school - the Fellowship of Inner Light Movement and learning of its profound effect on the human intuition and its value as an empowerment tool, committed his life to bringing Tarot into the lives of others.
Tsarion has written a self-published book titled Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation (2004), produced and presented a 6-part, 22-DVD, ~60-hour series titled Origins and Oracles which explores ancient mysteries and forbidden knowledge, he's also the co-creator of the TimeGnosis Personal Timescopes system and he is part of the Horizon Project.
He often applies his occult knowledge to the real world, which includes his acceptance of the conspiracy theory that the United States presidency has always been and still remains a tool of the European Royal houses, the Freemasons, the Vatican, and a mysterious Egyptian "Black Pope". In his presentations, he shows many images and quotations from various sources such as the Bible, Carl Jung, Jordan Maxwell, Tony Bushby, David Icke, Aleister Crowley, Erich Fromm, Leonard Schlain, Aldous Huxley, Manly Palmer Hall, and William Comyns Beaumont, and Sigmund Freud. He uses these and many other sources to expand on what other people have discovered.
More esoteric subjects include a belief that the history of the world has stemmed from alien visitation in pre-diluvian times (before the Great Flood) who were being pursued across the galaxy, made their way to Earth. And started to enhance our predecessors to serve their needs, which backfired and nearly destroyed earth. These days these bad guys rule in the background in a truly machiavallian way, setting parties up against eachother, in biblical times they were more out in the open and presented themselves as god or angels.
I don't have to tell you that to this date this religious mess has worked wonders to keep this place a slaughterhouse, currently were being set up again for another bout of destruction between the christians, jews and muslims all succered by the same 'alien demons'. The creation of a a new world order serves their purpose because when the controls are set they will completely take over the top echalons and turn the remainder of humans into mindless slaves...Well thats the plan anyway.. and as all this is mindboggling to most, their chances of succeeding are better then desirable.
Here's part one of a long talk (200min) he held on the future of mankind, for those intending finding fault and keeping their truth fine, for others there's much to be learned here, specially the last 40 min are inspiring. Its been chopped up in 19 parts at you tube , however at Videogoogle you can see The Future of Mankind lecture integrally , so consider this a teaser
On this page you find a big number of other videolinks , and radio talks
Tsarion multimedia
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Some Quotes from Tsarion's book Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation
Just because one does not have an actual “mark” on their forehead or a physical gun to their head does not mean we are free. Today, we are free only to do what we are told. We need to be reminded that there are two main methods of affecting hanges
and imposing control on any animal. The first method is by direct training. This is accomplished by schools, universities, recalcitrant parents, and peer groups.
A general state education is a mere contrivance for molding people to be exactly like one another; and as the mold in which it casts them is that which pleases the predominant power in the government…it establishes a despotism over the mind…(John Stuart Mill)
The second method is by the instigation of changes to the environment of the animal.Though these are almost always beyond the awareness of the creature, they are extremely impactive. By exercising both methods, the Hidden Masters accomplish all
the behavioral changes they require. The results are apparent for anyone who cares to see them.
To repress rebellion is to maintain the status quo, a condition which binds the mortal creature in a state of intellectual or physical slavery. But it is impossible to chain man merely by slaving his body; the mind also must be held, and to accomplish this, fear is the accepted weapon. The common man must fear life, fear death, fear God, fear the Devil, and fear most the overlords, the keepers of his destiny. (Manly Palmer Hall)
We are powerfully imprisoned in these Dark Ages simply in terms in which we have been conditioned to think. (Buckminster Fuller)
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)
If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you will create a despotic government to be your master. The wise despot…maintains among his subjects a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual.(Frank Herbert)
Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation PDF (3mb)
The job of the president is not to wield power himself, but to lead attention away from it..., The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Universe (Douglas Adams )
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Manly Palmer Hall - The Secret Teachings of All Ages PDF (5mb)
Born on March 18, 1901 in Peterborough, Ontario, Manly Palmer Hall was raised by his maternal grandmother who brought him to the United States when he was very young. From an early age, Mr. Hall studied the full range of the world’s ancient wisdom traditions. Unlike so many of his contemporaries, he concluded that wisdom was not to be found on only one path or in only one religion. Instead, he saw wisdom as the highest realm where philosophy, religion, and science come together without boundaries. Barely twenty years old, the gifted young man began his public career in the fall of 1920 when he was invited to speak to a small group on the subject of reincarnation. The following year he was asked to hold a lecture program in Los Angeles and continued teaching and writing for another six decades. He showed thousands how universal wisdom could be found in the myths, mysteries, and symbols of the ancient Western Mystery teachings and how to embody this wisdom in their own lives.
“To learn is to live, to study is to grow, and growth is the measurement of life. The mind must be taught to think, the heart to feel, and the hands to labor. When these have been educated to their highest point, then is the time to offer them to the service of their fellowman, not before.”
Mr. Hall always felt that before the student could embark on an esoteric career, they must first build a sound and sane personality from which to launch such an endeavor.Two books he wrote in the early 1920s, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry and The Ways of the Lonely Ones, are also available and have enjoyed numerous re-printings
During this period Mr. Hall began planning his large volume on symbolical philosophy, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. He traveled extensively in 1923 and 1924, visiting many great cultural centers in Europe, Asia, and Egypt. A favorite place of Mr. Hall’s for searching out rare and ancient wisdom texts was the British Museum in London. These travels strengthened his convictions about the importance of comparative religion and deepened his understanding of significant contributions made in the interest of human spiritual evolution. Immediately upon his return, he set seriously to work on his encyclopedic outline of the Western esoteric tradition, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, which describes in some detail the most ancient theory of education, which was in the keeping of the Mystery schools. It took Mr. Hall six years to complete the work on the book and raise the enormous sum of $100,000 in 1928 necessary to print the first edition. It was richly illustrated and a first three editions were sold out before they got to the printers. They'd be worth a bundle or two, even today a reasonbly good facsimile will set you back 200 dollars.
In 1934 Mr. Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society, dedicating it to the ensoulment of all arts, sciences, and crafts, and devoted to the one basic purpose of advancing the brotherhood of all that lives, to meet all lovers of wisdom on a common ground. The society still hosts a wide range of lectures, seminars, workshops and performances on philosophical subjects and runs a bookstore and library. Located in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles since its inception, it has for decades been a place of learning for all spiritual traditions and was designated a Cultural Site by Los Angeles City Council in 1994.
Writing about the life of Manly P. Hall is no simple matter, as he was unremittingly prolific in all his endeavors. Mr. Hall authored over two hundred books on occult subjects ranging from works on astrology, the Bible, Tarot, dreams, mysticism, Eastern and Western philosophy, religion, psychology, symbology, and reincarnation, plus hundreds of essays and a monthly magazine published called the PRS Journal. Over the course of six decades he delivered eight thousand lectures. He spoke for up to two hours extemporaneously, weaving a mesmerizing tapestry of wisdom. He was recognized both in the United States and in Europe by rare book-dealers as a knowledgeable collector of philosophical treatises and hermetic/alchemical manuscripts, some dating back to the fifteenth century. His collection of books brought about the creation of the PRS Library, which is still visited by scholars today and is perhaps unique in the US. Mr. Hall loaned books on Alchemy from his collection to Professor Carl Jung when he was writing his now famous book entitled Psychology and Alchemy.
"Hence the disciple of the Ancient Wisdom is taught to realize that man is not essentially a personality, but a spirit."—Manly P. Hall
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Brain Sync - Retrieve Your Destiny ( 96 mb)
Retrieve your destiny provides 60 minutes of soothing music combined with a unique combination of window brainwave frequencies. These are extremely precise frequencies that seem to resonate and act on the body at the cellular level.
The special combination of theta brain wave frequencies on this prgram induce expanded states of consciousness associated with deep meditation. Cumulative benefits include: Greater slarity of thought, increased creativity, more epaceful states of mind, enhanced ability to concentrate and improve well being.

01 - Destiny-Guided Meditation (29:11)
02 - Destiny-Music & Theta Frequencies (29:52)
Instructions - Retrieve Your Destiny.pdf
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Hemi-Sync - The Visitation (54mb)
Enjoy a deeply relaxing meditative state as you are transported by other-worldly music and Hemi-Sync® to an encounter with a non-physical friend. Tabla drums and synthesizer are featured in this Eastern-influenced composition by Micah Sadigh, PhD. The enchanting experience of The Visitation can be an ideal stimulus for spiritual growth.

Micah Sadigh (Hemi-Sync) - 01 - The Visitation (28: 31)
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All downloads are in * ogg-7 (224k) or ^ ogg-9(320k), artwork is included , if in need get the nifty ogg encoder/decoder here !
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